The Statistical Advantages of Using Digital Solutions for Temecula Car Dealer Marketing



Temecula car dealer marketing is often referred to as being an excellent solution for reaching more people and improving your marketing campaigns through the introduction of methods that leverage prospects’ use of the internet and bring improved money making advantages.


If you aren’t inclined to make your marketing decisions based only on what experts talk about, however, you might want to check out some of the statistics that show just how important and useful digital marketing for car dealerships can be.


Internet Usage


First of all, anyone using Temecula car dealer marketing based on digital marketing techniques knows that potential clients – especially in technologically advanced areas like California, where practically everyone has a smartphone or laptop – more than 80% of consumers use the internet to find the services and companies they would like to work with.


Now, remember that number is based on general internet use, but people looking to buy a new car are much more likely to use digital solutions more often, compared, for instance, to someone searching for a hardware store or restaurant. As a result, the use of Temecula car dealer marketing campaigns based on digital marketing methods becomes even more crucial.


Money Saving and Conversion Rates


Digital marketing is known for paving the way to results that bring in high conversion rates. In fact, if you ask digital marketing experts with years of experience in the field, they will provide you with highly accurate stats showing how their marketing solutions are able to increase conversion rates by more than 24%.


Also, digital marketing strategies have been confirmed to offer revenue growth in proportion of 300% compared to conventional marketing, due to the reduced expenses and greater savings. In fact, according to recent data, you can save up to 40% running a small dealership or automotive group, compared to the savings you’d get from conventional marketing.


Mobile Technology


These days, anyone trying a Temecula car dealer marketing campaign has to use mobile marketing to even hope to get a good edge on the competition.


Over 90% of all adults in the US keep their mobile phones close by, and most of them are also likely to choose to look for car dealerships through the convenience of accessing the internet via a smartphone, as opposed to any other marketing methods.


As a result, you can definitely expect that a powerful mobile marketing campaign will not only increase your chances of finding new leads, but also provide you with a simple, affordable plan that will lead people straight to the physical address of your dealership to check out some of the best vehicles you have to offer.


More and more people are using the advantages provided by professional digital marketing agencies to get noticed on the internet. Marketing companies focused solely on Temecula car dealer marketing, such as Dealer Digital Group, are able to provide you with the most advanced technological solutions, and help you cut the costs of your digital marketing campaigns, while improving your ability to attract more clients than ever before.

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